
Everything you need to get started with the Intune Assignment Checker

Getting Started Video

Required PowerShell Version

PowerShell 7.0 or higher is required

The script will not work with PowerShell 5.1 or earlier versions

You can check your PowerShell version by running:


Required PowerShell Modules

Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK - specifically Microsoft.Graph.Authentication

Install the module by running:

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication

Required Permissions

Your Entra ID application registration needs these permissions:

User.Read.AllApplicationRead all users' full profiles
Group.Read.AllApplicationRead all groups
Device.Read.AllApplicationRead all devices
DeviceManagementApps.Read.AllApplicationRead Microsoft Intune apps
DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.AllApplicationRead Microsoft Intune device configuration and policies
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.AllApplicationRead Microsoft Intune devices